- Supply and installation of fiber optic cable/Patch cords , splicing, testing for SAS work at 380KV Riyadh Metro 9054 with M/S Altoukhi as Sub-contractor for Saudi Electrictiy compamy (SEC).
- NEW Substation 8523 for Majmah University OHTL jlajal substation 9011 and substation 8501 as sub-contractor completed OPGW testing, joint box splicing and end to end test with M/S PACE Holding for Saudi Electricity company(SEC).
- Supply and installation of Patch cords/fiber optic cable, splicing,Conectorization,testing for SAS work at 380KV Qasim 9059 with M/S Almashariq for Saudi Electricity Company
- 380KV OHTL, Bisha & Numerah joint box splicing,Post installation test, End to Endt Test(OTDR/PM/LS) and CD/PMD with M/S Altoukhi for Saudi Electricity Company.
- 380KV Bisha substation, OFMR splicing,Gantory splicing, post installation , End to End Test, Fiber Optic Pacth cord connector replacement with M/S SSEM, for Saudi Electricity company.
- 110KV Alkamil OHTL, Fiber optic drum pre installation, post installation testing, joint box splcing with M/S Alsharif Group Holding for Saudi Electricity Company.
- 380 KV Muna-4 Substation, OFMR SPLICING , Pre installation testing, Post installation Testing, End to End Test with M/S Alsharif Group Holding for Saudi Electricity Company.
- 380KV OHTL, Qasim&Zulfi OPGW drums pre installation testing with M/S KALPA-TARU for Saudi Electrictiy Comapany.
- 132kV D/C OHTL from Qurrayat PP 132kV S/S to Qurrayat 132/13.8kV S/S Saudi Electricity Company as a sub-contractor OPGW joint box installation, Splicing& testing.
- Construction of 380kV OHTL Maaden Manifa Safaniyah Saudi Electricity Company as a subcontractor Joint box installation, splicing, testing& OFMR splicing testing.
- Fiber Testing BICON Project for Mobily DWDM Project.
- 380KV Hunain , OHTL, OPGW ,testing & splicing with M/S Al sharif Group Holding for Saudi Electricity company.
- Data center installation, CCTV installation , LAN/WAN connectivity. Office & inter building connectivity.